For the past few years, Nichole and I created quite the garden and incorporated its bounty into our meals. For this supper, we prepared marinated elk steaks, bacon-wrapped homegrown jalapeños, and sautéed homegrown yellow squash and zucchini.
For the elk steaks, I used my ol' standby: Trent's Secret Wild Game Marinade, and then cooked them on the grill to medium rare. We stuffed the jalapeños with a cream cheese/cheddar cheese mixture, wrapped them in bacon, and then grilled them alongside the steaks. For the squash, we just sautéed the slices in some butter with a few requisite spices like garlic, basil, and oregano.
It was a simple meal to prepare, satisfying to know it was mostly either shot or grown by us, and delicious to boot!