It seems like all I ever post about anymore is my brother's sheep hunt, huh?
Well, it has been quite the hectic first half of the year with the new job, the move to Colorado, still living in a month-to-month rental, and tons of travel. I hope to keep my posts a little more updated from here on out...
Click the play arrow below to check out a slideshow of the sheep hunt. If you just watch it on my blog, the quality is not as good...for the highest quality, click on HD (which will take you to the Vimeo website) or click here to watch it directly on Vimeo.
Hopefully you will see it posted on a bunch of different Facebook pages also such as SWAROVSKI OPTIK, Trophy Hunter, King's Camo, Outdoorsmans, Wilderness Athlete, Norris RV, Jay Scott Outdoors, etc. Also keep your eyes peeled for an issue of Trophy Hunter Magazine later this year where Erik's ram will be featured on the cover!
Special thanks to Tim McMorris and AudioJungle for the music Heroes of the West.